Domain Validation SSL certificates

Secure your website with SriLankaHosting SSL

Domain Validated SSL Certificates (DV) are SSL certificates that are issued after an applicant has proven some control over a domain. Generally, no other validation is done. In order to get a Domain Validated SSL Certificate you just have to prove that you own the domain by responding to an email or phone call using the information in the WHOIS record of the domain. Your company doesn't have to be validated and no organization name is entered in the certificate.

Domain validation Srikanka Hosting

SSl certificate
  • Express 5 min issuance
  • No Paperwork
  • www and non-www
  • Free Static SiteSeal
  • Mobile Friendly
  • Free unlimited server licensing
  • Free Reissues
  • 10,000$ Warranty
  • Self-Manage Control Panel
Select Billing Cycle


SSl certificate
  • Express 5 min issuance
  • No Paperwork
  • www and non-www
  • Free Static SiteSeal
  • Mobile Friendly
  • Free unlimited server licensing
  • Free Reissues
  • 10,000$ Warranty
  • Self-Manage Control Panel
Select Billing Cycle


ssl logo
  • Express 5 min issuance
  • No Paperwork
  • www and non-www
  • Free Static SiteSeal
  • Mobile Friendly
  • Free unlimited server licensing
  • Free Reissues
  • 10,000$ Warranty
  • Self-Manage Control Panel
Select Billing Cycle


geotrust srilanka Hosting
  • Express 8 min issuance
  • No Paperwork
  • www and non-www
  • Free Static SiteSeal
  • Mobile Friendly
  • Free unlimited server licensing
  • Free Reissues
  • 500,000$ Warranty
  • Self-Manage Control Panel
Select Billing Cycle


tawte srilanka hosting
  • Express 8 min issuance
  • No Paperwork
  • www and non-www
  • Free Static SiteSeal
  • Mobile Friendly
  • Free unlimited server licensing
  • Free Reissues
  • 500,000$ Warranty
  • Self-Manage Control Panel
Select Billing Cycle


Domain Validation SSL Certificates
Domain Validation SSL certificates are available to all individuals, sole traders, businesses, organizations and government entities. There is no need to supply any documents or process callbacks. All you need is to pass domain ownership verification via one of the available methods. You can protect personal websites or even company portals and e-commerce projects.
Domain Validation Srilanka
Hosting SSL certificate

Trust indicators enabled by DV SSL

Activates HTTPS

Displays the padlock symbol

Dynamic TrustLogo

Advantages of Domain Validated SSL Certificates


You can usually get a fully-functioning certificate within minutes. No need to send in company validation documents.

Low Price

Because the process is automated and requires no validation from the certificate authority.

Disadvantages of Domain Validated Certificates

Low assurance

Because your company is not validated, these certificates don't help your visitors know who is running your site. If you have an e-commerce site, your potential buyers aren't as likely to buy from you.

Less secure

The certificates themselves still enable full encryption but there are other security problems. For one, any phisher can get one and can hide their identity completely. Second, they make man-in-the-middle attacks more dangerous. If an an attacker was able to do some DNS poisoning, he could get a Domain Validated SSL Certificate for your domain and redirect visitors to a fake site that allows him to collect visitor information.
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What Our Clients Have to Say About Our Service
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“ I highly recommend this service for… ”
I highly recommend this service for their unbelievable customer care. The support team provided friendly and valuable assistance. Wishing them all the best as they continue to excel in their service.

Sarushan Chandrasehar | 2024-04-22

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“ Best place for hosting plans! Impressive Service! ”
Your support is truly wonderful, keep up the good work every day guys...we were so impressed...we do hope for a long-term relationship with you guys. Thank you SriLanka Hosting. You have done excellent job. Super team... anyone can trust them. Tha...

Kumaravel | 2024-02-29

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“ Fast and Friendly support ”
I was contacting the company for an urgent requirement. They responded to my phone and gave me the support I needed at their best.

Neranjan R. | 2024-05-08

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Institute of Engineering

Institute of Engineering Technology

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Ohmygosh (PVT) Ltd

Ohmygosh (PVT) Ltd

Sun Travels

Sun Travels

Viro Manpower Pvt Ltd

Viro Manpower Pvt Ltd



Mihindu Keerthirathne Associates

Mihindu Keerthirathne Associates

Park Cafe

Park Cafe

Payment Options

  • Online Payments (Recommended only through My Account)

    1. Use your Credit Card (VISA / Master) to make payments online through My Account
    2. Paypal
    3. Stripe
    4. iPay
    5. Lanka QR
    6. American Express
    7. Discover
    8. Diners Club

  • Cash Deposits

  • You can make CASH deposits to any Sampath Bank branch. Account details are given below:

    Account Number: 116114023727
    Account Name: (Private) Limited
    Bank Name: Sampath Bank
    Bank Branch: Bibile

    Note: Please mention the generated ORDER REFERENCE as the REFERENCE in the bank deposit slip.

Secure Your Website Today!

Domain Validation SSL

View SSL certificates

Business Validation SSL

View SSL certificates

Extended Validation SSL

View SSL certificates

Multi-Domain SSL certificates

View SSL certificates

Wildcard SSL certificates

View SSL certificates

Multi Wildcard SSL Certificates

View SSL certificates
SSL Supported by 99.6% of browsers and Mobile Devices

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